These are roses that only grow to 6 to 18 inches in height. The ½ to 1½ inch wide flowers are in proportion to the plants making them true miniatures. It is thought that they are derived from the species, Rosa chinensis minima, which came from China.

There are now hundreds of cultivars of miniature roses in a wide range of flower types and colors. They are grown on their own roots so they should be hardy without winter protection as long as they are within their recommended USDA Hardiness Zone.

Miniature roses are excellent for the front of beds and borders, rock gardens or as edging plants. Some people grow them indoors under fluorescent lights.

Miniature Rose Cultivars:
1. 'Baby Darling' - orange-pink
2. 'Beauty Secret' - medium red
3. 'Chipper' - light pink
4. 'Cinderella' - white
5. 'Mary Marshall' - orange-pink
 6. 'Pixie Rose' - deep pink
 7. 'Scarlet Gem' - orange-red
 8. 'Starina' - orange-red
 9. 'Toy Clown' - red blend
10. 'Hi Ho' (climber) - deep pink


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