F1 hybrid |
- this
designates the first generation of a cross between
closely related species or strains of
a plant. Usually,
this generation displays what is called
hybrid vigor and
has characteristics that are deemed highly desirable to
the plant breeder. Seed collected from plants in this
group will usually not produce plants with the same
characteristics. |
fall |
- 1) most commonly used to describe the part of the
outer whorl of the perianth of the flower that is
broader than the others and droops or is reflexed. 2)
common term for autumn when frosts routinely occur in
temperate zones of the
world. |
fallow |
- normally cultivated land kept free from a crop or weeds
during the normal growing season. Sometimes when
invasive, perennial weeds spread through a flower
bed or border,
control measure is to remove all desirable plants, kill the weeds
and let the area lay fallow for a year or two to assure
that the weeds are gone. |
family (plant) |
- in the hierarchy of the
binomial nomenclature system,
plants are grouped because they share certain
characteristics. The most closely related plants are in
the species, a little broader grouping is the
genus and
the next wider group is the family. Knowing the family
that a plant belongs to can be helpful in determining
several things. For example, plants in the
Family thrive in soils with a low
pH i.e. acid soils.
Those in the large
Rosaceae Family share susceptibility
to certain
diseases such as
fireblight. |
fan |
- a unit of division for some perennials such as
and iris that consists of at least one pair of leaves
attached to a piece of the
crown. |
fasciation |
- this refers to common malformations that occur on
certain plant parts. It usually involves a swelling,
enlargement, flattening or curving of a plant organ such
as a cane, shoot or flower.
This is common in
hybrid lilies,
genus where the area at the end of the stem is
thickened or flattened and gives rise to many more
flower buds than normal. |
fastigiate |
- a term for plants that have an upright, columnar form
due to the branches growing more vertical and close
together than usual. An example is the
Lombardy poplar.
Cultivars of this type are often named ‘Fastigiata’. |
flowers |
- having flowers with
pistil, ovary,
style, stigma,
ovules but no
ferns |
Images of
Ferns. |
fertile or fertility |
- 1) plants or flowers
able to produce viable seeds. 2) soils
containing abundant plant
nutrients for plant growth. |
fertilization |
- 1) the union of the male
reproductive unit (pollen from the
stamen) with the female
reproductive unit (egg in the
pistil) resulting in seed formation.
2) the application of nutrients (fertilizers) for plant
growth. |
fertilizer |
- a mixture of chemicals (natural and/or
man-made) that provides
nutrients for plant growth. By law, all
fertilizer containers must show the percentage of
N (elemental nitrogen), P (phosphorus in the form of phosphate) and K
(potassium in the form of potash). A 100 pound bag of
27-10-15 fertilizer would contain 27 pounds of nitrogen,
10 pounds of phosphate and 15 pounds of
Some fertilizers contain just one or two of the three
elements. Urea has an analysis of 46-0-0 while muriate
of potash is 0-0-60. |
fertilizer burn |
- fertilizers generally contain elements in the form of
chemical salts. Water moves from low concentrations of
salts toward high concentrations. Therefore, when a
clump of fertilizer is in close proximity to plant
tissue, it pulls all the water out causing the tissue to
"burn" or turn brown.
A similar reaction occurs when fresh (uncomposted)
manure come into contact with plant roots. When
composted over time, the salts in the manure are leached
out by rain water.
Dog urine has the same effect on
turfgrass. |
fiber |
- elongated, narrow, thick-wailed cell in
xylem or
phloem |
fibrous root |
- these are the thin, fiber-like roots that originate
tiny root hairs
which do most absorption of water and
nutrients. Plants
whose root system consists primarily of fibrous roots
may be more difficult to transplant since so many of the
roots are lost during the moving process when they are
exposed to drying air. |
field capacity |
- this it the ideal level of water in the soil for plant
growth. In this situation, the soil still has plenty of air spaces
but about 25% of the volume contains water available to
the plants. |
filament |
- in flowers, this is the stem that supports the
anther which
produces the
The male part of a flower is called the
stamen consists of a
filament and an anther.
Hybridizers move the pollen from the male parent
to the
pistil of the female parent when cross-breeding
Hemerocallis (daylilies) and other plants.
filler |
- usually
nondescript plants (at least when massed or during most of
the year) used in a garden area to back up, surround, or
“fill” around a specimen plant. |
fine-leafed fescue |
- a species (Festuca) of
turfgrass with narrow
leaf blades that is widely used for shaded
and utility lawns. Fescue is commonly combined with
Kentucky bluegrass
and perennial
ryegrass in cool-season grass seed mixtures for the
home landscape in temperate regions. |
flag |
- a symptom where the tip of a stem or branch curls
downward as a result of
diseases such as
fireblight or
insect damage as by the
bronze birch borer. |
floret |
- the
individual small flower, especially when part of a dense
inflorescence. |
floricane |
- in
raspberries, these canes are the ones that produce fruit.
May be first or second-year canes, depending on the
type of plant and how the canes are pruned. |
floriculture |
- in
horticulture, this term applies to the science of
cultivating flowering plants in controlled environments
such as the greenhouse. |
flower |
- the reproductive structure of
seed producing plants (angiosperms).
A complete or perfect flower contains both male and
female parts while incomplete or imperfect blooms have
one or the other but not both.
parts |
- in the center of
a typical flower are the carpals which are modified leaves that enclose
the ovules. These are often fused to form a single
pistil in the
center of the flower.
Surrounding the carpals are several narrow
stalks topped by pollen sacs which are
called stamens. Around these reproductive organs is the
perianth, usually consisting of an outer whorl of
sepals and an
inner whorl of petals. In monocotyledons and "primitive"
dicotyledons, the
sepals and petals may be indistinguishable, as in the
lily the perianth parts are called
flower stem |
- the stem that supports the flower is called the
peduncle |
folded |
- this is a leaf variation where the
blade is bent upward parallel to
midrib forming a keel-shape. |
follicle |
- a dry seed vessel or pod, consisting of a
single carpel that splits at maturity |
foot-candle (ft-c) |
- the amount of light measured 1 foot away from a lit
candle. It is a common unit for measuring the amount of light.
For example, a normal reading lamp provides 40-75 ft-c. |
forcing |
- controlling the environment to make plants
bloom when they normally would not. The process of
bringing plants, branches, and bulbs into flower ahead
of their normal outdoor flowering period. It is commonly
used to make Easter lilies and poinsettias bloom during
the festive seasons. |
formal garden |
a landscape laid out mainly in straight lines, which may
incorporate intricate bed designs, hedges, and/or
specimen plants of extreme or contrived shapes. |
formal landscape plant |
- a plant that is rigid, dense, or compact in form or
can be pruned so that it fits into a formal garden
design. |
foundation plantings |
- either the basic structural and
shelter plantings of a garden, or plantings of
or other plants along the footings of a structure such
as a house or wall. |
flowers |
- flowers that emit certain chemicals which make them
distinguishable to the sense of smell.
species and
cultivars of
hosta produce flowers that are of varying degrees
of fragrance. Those on cultivars that originated from the species,
Hosta plantaginea, tend to be very fragrant. |
frass |
- excrement of an
insect that looks similar to sawdust |
friable |
- refers to soil that is easily crumbled into small
aggregates. Often describes a soil that is good for
plant growth because it has adequate air and water
pore spaces. |
frond |
a fern leaf. In the strictest sense, refers to the
foliage of ferns, but the word is sometimes used to
designate any foliage that looks fernlike, and also the
featherlike leaves of many palms. |
damage |
- subfreezing temperature that causes individual cells in
a plant to freeze, expand and burst. Newly emerged
leaves, flower buds and flowers tend to be the most
susceptible to this damage.
Some hostas (such as those with
H. montana parentage) emerge early in
the spring and may be subject to injury by spring frosts. This
damage usually shows up in two ways.
One is when the frost
occurs during the "bullet" stage of the plant emergence. Cells
on the outside of the bullet may be damaged and, when the leaf
unfolds, rips and tears will appear in the leaf. It is easy to
tell this damage since the two sides of the tear will fit back
together like a jigsaw puzzle.
Two, if the leaf is already unfolded
when the frost occurs, the damage will often result in a bleached out,
water soaked area in the leaf blade. |
fruit |
- mature ovary or cluster of mature ovaries |
fruit set |
- stage of fruit development after pollination and
fertilization occur. |
fruiting body |
- structure of most fungi that bear the
spores for
reproduction. Mushrooms are a common fruiting body for
certain species of fungus. |
fumigant |
- a
pesticide that is applied in a vapor active, gaseous
form. Soil fumigants to sterilize plots of soil are often
applied beneath a plastic covering to make them penetrate
and to prevent them from disbursing into the air. Fumigants
tend to be very toxic and dangerous to handle so they
are usually only available through professional pest
control companies. |
fungi |
- multi-cell plants that lack
and water conductive tissue (xylem
phloem) like higher plants. They absorb
nutrients from either living or
dead organisms.
Many fungi are involved in decomposing
organic matter. The mushrooms often found in lawns are fruiting
bodies of fungi that are rotting dead roots or other
organic matter below the surface.
The vast majority of
plant diseases are caused by
fungi. |
fungicide |
- a chemical or physical agent that kills or inhibits
the growth of fungi. For
plant diseases, most fungicides
are preventative and must be on the plant tissue before
the spores land and germinate to be effective. |
funnel form |
- a flower where the corolla tube gradually widens to
the opening. An example is
morning glory flowers. |
furled |
- Hosta leaves with edges or sides
curled or coiled in to the midrib are called furled.
'Stetson' has furled leaves. |