- naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) is a
plant hormone that
is often used during
propagation by
cuttings to
encourage root growth. See IAA
and IBA |
naked bud |
- having no
bud scale to cover and protect the bud.
Viburnums |
narrowleaf evergreen |
- ornamental conifers
with comparatively long,
slender leaves that remain green throughout the year
such as firs (Abies), junipers
(Juniperus), spruces
(Picea) and yews
See broadleaf
evergreen. |
naturalistic garden or
wild garden |
- a garden developed
with plantings that either add to an existing native,
site or to completely create an area that is or appears to
be populated by native species. Achieved in beds or gardens
by use of plants with loose or broad growth habit or
those which multiply by rhizomes. Naturalizing
plants are often the same as those used to add unity
and continuity to a landscape garden. |
naturalizing |
- applied to planting areas where the number of plants expand and
multiply in the setting. For examples,
(Narcissus) will often increase from a few
bulbs to a
large number covering a wide area. |
necrosis |
- the death of
cells, tissues, or whole plants. Dead parts or plants are said
to be necrotic and will generally turn black and rot. See
chlorosis. |
nematode |
- very small, (usually, but not always)
microscopic roundworms, threadworms, or eelworms that may become pests of plants.
common nematode is the
root knot nematode. A less common type
called the
foliar nematode is found in
hostas. They cause
browning of tissue between the veins of
hosta leaves late in the
season. |
nightshade family |
- members of the plant family,
Solanaceae, including
eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers plus
nicotiana and
Several weed species are also included, one of which (Atropa
belladonna) is known as belladonna or deadly
nightshade because its berries are poisonous. |
nitrogen |
- a chemical element represented by the letter N that is
required for plant growth. It is part of
the chlorophyll molecule
and, when in deficiency, is one of the factors that
may cause a leaf to turn yellow. With a few exceptions,
plants use nitrogen in combination with oxygen as a
compound called nitrate. In
fertilizers, it is
indicated by the first of the three numbers i.e.
10-15-20 has 10% nitrogen in the form of elemental
nitrogen. |
nitrate |
- with the chemical formula, NO3, this is the
form of nitrogen which is absorbed by most plants. |
node |
the segment of a stem where one or more leaves or
axillary buds are attached.
See internode. |
non-selective herbicide |
- a herbicide that will indiscriminately kill or
injure many different types of plants that come into contact with it. See
selective pesticide. |
nut |
a dry, indehiscent, hard, one-seeded fruit. |
nutrient availability |
- Due to the chemistry of the situation,
nutrients in
the soil are more or less available to a plant depending
on the
pH (acidity or alkalinity) of the soil.
Generally, most landscape plants do best in a slightly
acid soil with a pH of about 6.0 to 7.0. Certain plants
such as
rhododendrons and azaleas,
pin oak and
others are "acid loving" and need a pH of around 5.0 to
nutrient deficiency |
- Plants "talk" to us to tell us their needs if we only
know how to listen.
Nutrients or chemical elements are
the building blocks of the plant tissue. If any of the
necessary nutrients are missing from the soil, the plant
will tell us by displaying certain nutrient deficiency
For instance, a plant that has very dark veins
surrounded by yellowish tissue in the leaf is often
expressing an iron deficiency. Since
nitrogen is one of the key components of
chlorophyll, a
deficiency shows up as a yellowing leaf. Lack (or in
some cases, excess) of plant nutrients will result in
fairly specific symptoms on the plant.
Note: Unfortunately, a
particular symptom such as yellow leaves may be caused
by many other things too. So, knowing nutrient
deficiency symptoms is often just a part of the process
of figuring out what is wrong with your plant. |
nutrient toxicity |
- When fertilizing plants, there is such a situation as
"too much of a good thing". Over-applying
nutrients to a
plant may actually kill it. Many fertilizer products are
a form of chemical salt. Too much salt applied next to
the root of a plant will cause the water to flow from
the root into the salt causing a "burn".
In other situations, the plant may actually absorb too
much of the nutrient and cause problems within the
The key is, of course, to take a
test and follow the recommendations or, at least,
follow general recommendations for fertilizing a
particular type of plant in the absence of a soil test. |