“B” horizon
subsoil horizon where clay and mineral compounds accumulate. It
is the layer beneath the topsoil called the
A horizon.
Bacillus thuringiensis
or Bt |
- a species of bacteria that infects and kills
caterpillars in the
Lepodoptera Family of
insects i.e. larvae of moths and
butterflies. The nice thing about it is that it does not affect
other living organisms including other insects,
animals or
Bt is commonly sold as an insecticide under several
brand names. It can be used for such pests as
gypsy moth,
eastern tent caterpillar, tomato hornworm and cabbage loopers.
The only thing to consider is whether there are rare or
endangered butterflies in your area. It does not discriminate
whether the caterpillar it kills would have become a gypsy moth
or monarch butterfly.
There are also other strains of this
bacteria which are effective against mosquitos, Colorado potato
beetles and other insect pests. Be sure to get the correct
strain for the pest you want to control. Be aware that Bt will
NOT work on a class of insects called
sawfly larvae. Although
these critters look like caterpillars they are not. Therefore,
Bt is not used for pests such as the
European pine sawfly
larvae. |
background plant |
a plant placed in the background of a flower border that provides a
backdrop for the flowering plants in front of it. It could be
related to the scenery at the back of the stage in a theater
production. The background does not directly enter into the scene but adds
to it in non-showy way. See Design... |
mutation |
variegation in a leaf
means that for some reason, there is less
present than normal resulting in tissue of a white, yellow or
lighter green color than the rest of the leaf. A backward mutation or
reversion occurs when a
variegated plant actually gains chlorophyll in those lighter
areas and returns to its original color scheme. |
bacteria |
simplest, smallest and most abundant single-celled
organisms which are important to gardeners as
decomposers and plant pathogens. In the
compost bin,
they help to decompose organic matter into compost.
Although the vast majority of
plant diseases are caused
by fungi, there are a few serious plant diseases caused
by bacteria including bacterial wilt,
fireblight and
wetwood. |
balanced fertilizer |
a fertilizer containing equal proportions of
the macro-nutrients
nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P), and
potassium (K) such as a 12-12-12 formulation.
More on
Fertilizers |
(B & B) |
- a method of marketing
trees and shrubs in
which the roots and the surrounding ball of soil are wrapped
with burlap and reinforced with rope or a wire basket. This is a
technique usually used on larger plants and is meant to
help keep as much of the root system as possible
together during the transplanting process which helps
minimize transplant
shock. More on Types of
Nursery Stock |
bare-root |
- a method of marketing plants in which the plants are
not potted in containers and do not have any soil around their
roots. Only
plants such as fruit trees,
roses and
other dormant woody plant material should be sold in
this manner. The only exception would be that small,
evergreen seedlings may be handled bare-root also.
More on Types of
Nursery Stock |
bark |
the outside layer of woody plants such as trees, shrubs
and some vines is called the bark. It is made up of a
protective tissue called the periderm. Also included are
all the tissue outside the cambium such as the
basidiomycete |
- member of a class of
fungi that form sexual
spores. |
basal |
relates to the base or lower part of a plant tissue as in basal
leaves that attach to the bottom part of the plant only. Sometimes
called a rosette.

Also relates to the basal plant of bulbs such as
daffodils or
tulips. |
bed |
in vegetable gardening a bed may refer to an area where the soil has been
prepared for planting something. In landscape design, a bed is an area for
planting that is set away from the boundaries of the garden or
landscape. A common type is called the "island bed" because it
sits like an island in the sea.
Configurations that have a backdrop such
as a fence, hedge or structure on one side are called a
- English nurseryman,
Alan Bloom, is credited with popularizing the use of island
beds in British gardens.
More on Beds
and Borders |
bedding plant |
gardeners in England started the process of "bedding out" large
numbers of plants into elaborated designs in the home landscape.
Bedding plants are primarily annuals or
tender perennials that
are used for one season in the garden and then replaced the
Common bedding plants include
begonia, geranium
snapdragon, and
sweet alyssum, as well as
many, many other flowering plants.
Vegetable transplants are also lumped into this
category at the local garden center. |
beetle |
- any
insect of the
Order Coleoptera, characterized by elytra (thickened
outer wings), chewing mouthparts, and complete
metamorphosis as part of its
life cycle.
Japanese beetles and Colorado potato beetle are two well known
plant pests in this group. The damage done by
beetles is often characterized as "skeletonizing"
the leaf i.e. eating the material between the veins but leaving
the veins intact. |
flowers |
flowers that resemble a
bell that hang with the opening in a downward direction. |
bentgrass |
- a fine-textured grass that is difficult to maintain;
best used on golf courses but not generally recommended for home
lawns. In some cases, it may be considered a
weedy grass when
it becomes inadvertently seeded into established lawns
of other types of grasses. |
berm |
raised or mounded soil that is used for planting trees and other
plants often for the purpose of providing a
windbreak or as a way of delineating a boundary on a
property. Sometimes, a berm is constructed to provide an
elevation change in an otherwise flat landscape.
Generally, it is best to make the height and base width
of the berm in proportion so that it appears to be a
natural change in the terrain to avoid the "pimple"
effect. |
bicolored |
having two contrasting colors on the
same petals of a flower. |
biennial |
- a plant that requires two growing seasons to
complete its life cycle (vegetative growth in the first
year, reproductive growth i.e. flowers, in the second, followed by
plant death). Some
herbaceous flowers such as
foxglove (Digitalis purpurea),
William (Dianthus barbatus) and several common vegetable
plants are biennial. Note:
At times I have seen the phrase "...acts as a biennial"
which is always confusing. I think they probably mean
that the plant is a short-lived perennial which is
supposed to live more than two years but because of
environmental conditions often only makes it a couple of
years. In the end, a plant is either an annual, biennial
or perennial and cannot really be more than one of these
life cycle options.
See Annual and
Perennial |
binate |
growing in pairs |
binomial nomenclature system |
system of naming plants developed primarily by
Swedish scientist
Carol Linnaeus whereby
plant or animal type has a specific name consisting of two parts, the
genus and
An example would
Hosta sieboldiana. |
bioassay |
determination of the relative toxicity or strength of a substance by
comparing its effect on a living test organism with that of a
standard preparation.
For example,
Colorado potato beetles are
often resistant to several common
so a
simple bioassay is often needed
to determine which one is effective on the local
population of beetles at what rate of application.
beetles are placed in large,
covered petri dishes, each of
which contains a different
pesticide. If the beetles are
killed, that indicates that insecticide would be
effective on those particular local
insects. |
biological control |
a method for controlling
plant diseases or pests using
naturally occurring predators, parasites or diseases. For
example, the use of the bacteria called
Bacillus thuringiensis
or Bt which causes a fatal disease in caterpillars such
gypsy moth or cabbage loopers. |
biotic |
the term applies to any
living cause for a plant problem.
spider mites, fungi,
bacteria, etc. would be considered biotic
causes of plant damage.
Nutrient deficiency,
nutrient toxicity, physical
damage, weather impacts, poor drainage and other
non-living factors would be called
abiotic. |
bipinniate |
said of a leaf that is twice pinnately
compound. |
blade |
- the flat, expanded portion of a leaf
which is connect to the stem by the
petiole. |
weevil |
- a night-feeding
(Otiorhynchus sulcatus)
which is a common pest of
yews and
hostas. It
causes a characteristic "half-moon" shaped notch on the edge of
the leaves. The larvae also feed on the roots of plants and may
be a more serious problem than the foliage feeding by the adult
weevil. |
blend |
- a combination of grass seed consisting of two or more
from the same species or from
separate species. An example would be a mixture of
bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and fine fescue seed
which is commonly used in home lawns. This
prevents the establishment of a
monoculture which may
lead to more serious pest and disease problems. |
blight |
a term generally associated with
diseases that cause
severe damage to plants, especially to lush, new growth.
Fireblight is a bacterial disease of members of the
Rosaceae Family.
Diplodia tip blight is a
disease of certain
pine species. There are many other
examples that affect buds, leaves, blossoms and shoots of
plants in the landscape. |
bloom |
bloom may refer to the opening of the
flowers on a plant.
- 2) bloom also relates to the waxy coating on
a leaf, stem, or seedpod surface producing a dusty appearance which
often reflects blue light waves. The
blue color in
hosta or
Colorado blue spruce
trees is the result of a waxy bloom on the leaf or needle
surface. Over the growing season, this wax may wear off and the
green color of the plant tissue beneath may become dominant. |
season |
- the time period between when the
first flower of a stem or clump opens or is receptive to
pollination and the last flower
on the plant closes.
For example, individual
species and cultivars of
hosta have specific bloom times ranging
from late May to late autumn depending on the relative location of the
garden. |
blotch |
an irregularly shaped discoloration which may be caused by
disease or physical damage. This will help distinguish symptoms
from other
diseases which may produce circular or regular
shaped discolorations such as a ring spot. |
bolting |
this is a term used when a biennial
plant flowers during the first season rather than in the second
season of its life cycle. It is usually caused by some type of
stress on the plant such as drought, excessive heat, etc.
In vegetables, bolting is undesirable in such plants as Brussels
sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, collard,
endive, kale, kohlrabi, leek, onion, parsley, parsnip, rutabaga,
salsify, and turnips. The flower stalks detract from the
vegetable production.
However, bolting is a good thing in ornamental biennials such as
foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
where it is preferable that many of the plants flower in the
first season rather than having only foliage the first year and
blooming in the second as is normal for a true biennial. |
Bordeaux mixture |
a few centuries ago, the French discovered that a mixture of
lime and sulfur when applied to their grape vines would help to
minimize certain fungal diseases. They named it a Bordeaux
mixture for the region of
France and it was probably the world's
first fungicide.
It is made with quicklime and copper sulfate.
The quicklime is rather caustic so, if it is not mixed at the
correct strength, it will burn the leaves of the plants. It
can also be tough on spray equipment but does qualify as an
"organic" alternative for control of certain (but not
all) fungal diseases. |
border |
a place where ornamental plants are arrange next to a backdrop
such as a wall, fence, building or hedge. Generally, the taller
plants are in the rear next to the backdrop with a gradual decline
in plant height toward the front. Borders are viewed only from the front in
contrast to a bed which may be viewed from
all directions.
More on Beds
and Borders |
borer |
insect or insect
larva that makes tunnels or cavities into the bark or within the
wood of trees. They leave holes of various sizes and shapes in
the bark as the adults emerge from the tree.
Most native
borers infest trees that are already under stress because of
drought, age, disease, etc. They are part of nature's scheme to
reclaim trees back into the soil.
Some exotic borers such as the
Emerald ash borer
Asian Longhorned Beetle will attack healthy trees which makes them
especially lethal pests. |
botanical insecticide |
as the name implies, these are substance that are produced from
plants and that kill
insects. Many of them are natural and come
directly from the plant such as the pyrethrums, nicotene,
rotenone, ryania and neem oil. However, chemists have duplicated
some of these compounds in the laboratory so, even though they
may have the same name as a naturally occurring type, some
commercial products may be "man-made" or synthetic. |
botany |
the plant science that is concerned with the study of
non-cultivated (wild) plants.
Horticulture is a more narrow
science devoted to plants with an economic value for fruit,
vegetables or ornamental uses. |
bract |
an often showy modified leaf that forms on certain plants. The white or pink color on a
dogwood tree is
actually a bract as are the red parts of a poinsettia. Certain
form a bract on their flower stems. |
bramble |
- plants belonging to the genus,
Ribes; commonly used to
refer to raspberries and blackberries. |
branch collar |
- the raised hump located where a branch attaches to the
tree’s trunk or a larger branch. In
pruning large branches with a saw, the cut should be made just outside of this collar rather than using
a flush cut method which will damage the tree. |
broadleaf evergreen |
- ornamental plants with comparatively broad
or wide leaves that remain on the plant and green throughout the year, such as
English ivy,
Oregon grape holly and
Contrast with
Narrowleaf Evergreens |
Broad-spectrum |
this is a
pesticide that kills a wide range of target
and non-target
organisms when applied to a landscape. The movement in recent decades has been
toward more narrow spectrum
pesticides that are targeted
to kill a small number of specific organisms.
Bacillus thruingiensis
(Bt) for example, is an
insecticide which only
kills caterpillar members of the insects family, Lepodoptera. |
brooming |
see Witche's broom. |
bryophytes |
non-vascular plants including the mosses and liverworts. |
bud |
- a rudimentary
shoot or flower; may he either vegetative (developing into leaves
stems), flowering (producing one or more flowers), or mixed
(containing both leaves and flowers). Some buds are adventitious
which means they wait in reserve to see what is needed by the
plant before developing into either leaf or flower
bud blast |
death of a flower
bud before it opens. The main causes
are frost or freezing, water stress, pollution, and
insect damage. |
budbreak |
- the stage of
bud development when green tissue
becomes visible in the spring. |
budding |
- the
propagation of a plant by inserting
i.e. grafting, a
bud (scion) of
one plant into the stem (rootstock) of another. If the
layers of the two parts are properly aligned, they will
eventually join to form a
single plant. |
bud scale |
a modified leaf that covers and protects a
This characteristic may be used to help identify various species
of plants. The bud scales of European Hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana),
American Hophornbeam are striately marked while those of
American Hornbeam (Carpinus
caroliniana) are smooth. |
buffering |
the chemical characteristic of a soil that prevents large swings
in soil chemistry. This may be both beneficial or detrimental in
regard to plants.
Buffering qualities of a particular soil may make it very
difficult to lower the
pH i.e. make it more
acid, by adding
sulfur products. |
bug |
1) slang for an
plant bug
is an actual group of insects from the Order
Hemiptera which are characterized in part by piercing-sucking
mouthparts, a triangular scutellom (hard plate on the thorax),
two pairs of wings, and gradual metamorphosis.
of the most damaging of these for the home gardener is the
lined plant bug. This is what causes those roundish, black
spots on the leaves of
coreopsis and many other
plants. |
bulb |
in horticulture, many things are incorrectly
lumped into the category called "bulbs"
including corms, tubers,
tuberous roots or storage
roots. A true bulb is a swollen underground
bud formed from fleshy
scales or leaf bases that enables various plants to rest in a
dormant state for part of the year. True bulbs include
lilies (not
alliums (ornamental onions)
and many others. Images of
Bulb Plants. |
bulbil or bulblet |
a small, immature bulb, generally
forming at the base of a parent bulb but sometimes above ground
in leaf axils (known as aerial bulbils) as in some
types of
lilies. |
bullet |
in the spring when the buds on the top of the
crown begin to expand
and emerge from the soil, they form what are called "bullets."
Before the leaf blades enlarge and unfold to
open, they resemble the business end of a rifle cartridge. |
burn |
- this is a term that is often used in regard to plants but is
not well understood by the average gardener. Of course, there is
no combustion involved when a plant gets "burned" in the garden.
Rather, what we are talking about is rapid dehydration that
causes plant tissue to die and turn brown. Generally, this
occurs when a chemical salt is placed in close proximity to
plant parts, especially their roots. Most fertilizers are
chemical salt compounds and fresh manure (not composted) also
contains a lot of salt. When a clump of fertilizer or fresh
manure comes into contact with a root, water is rapidly
transferred out of the root and into the salt. This causes plant
cells to burst and die resulting in browning to plant tissues.
In extreme cases, the entire plant will die. |
bushel |
volume of media containing 1.25 cubic feet or 35.7
liters. Consists of 4 pecks as in "I love you a bushel and a
peck..." |