oblong |
- a leaf that is much longer than wide. |
obovate |
- a leaf the shape of an egg standing upside down with the
narrow side at the bottom. |
offset |
- a short, horizontal branch that grows from a plant's
crown and bears
buds and leafy rosettes. |
olericulture |
- a branch of
that deals with the science of
the cultivation of vegetables. |
one-year whip |
refers to a one-year old un-branched tree with roots attached. This is a
common classification for fruit trees which are purchased
bare-root. |
open-pollinated |
- plants that are pollinated by
the wind or by an insect such as a bee without any manipulation
by humans is said to be open-pollinated. For example, when a
person goes into the garden and randomly collects seeds from a
hosta plant in the fall, the resulting seedling is said to be
open-pollinated. |
opposite |
the leaf
and stem arrangement in which buds, leaves or stems are
aligned directly opposite each other. Examples would include
Maple (Acer),
Honeysuckle (Lonicera),
Viburnum. See
alternate and
whorled. |
organic |
pertaining to living organisms in general, to
formed by living organisms and to the chemistry of
containing carbon.
In gardening terms, organic refers to any material that was
once alive, or that comes from a living creature.
Sawdust, compost, bone meal, guano are organic, while
vermiculite or
ammonium sulfate are inorganic.
organic gardening |
- There are many variations on this theme and there is no
individual, all-encompassing definition. However, for most
backyard gardeners, the term refers to gardening without
synthetic (man-made) chemical
pesticides or
fertilizers. |
organic matter |
- the decomposing bodies or parts of dead plants and
animals. Organic matter contributes to the overall health of
garden soils by providing nutrients to plants, holding moisture
and nutrients and encouraging micro and macro organisms in the
soil. |
organic soil |
- soil composed of a high percentage of decayed plant and
animal remains as opposed to the percent of mineral
content. They often are associated with lake
bottoms that have filled in with aquatic plant remains over
thousands of years and are now considered peat sources. These
are sometimes called muck soils. See
mineral soil. |
ornamental plant |
- a plant grown primarily for its esthetic traits rather than as
a food source. A few plants, however, can fulfill both roles in
the landscape. |
ornamental horticulture |
- the branch of
deals with the cultivation of plants for their aesthetic
value. It includes floriculture,
landscape horticulture
and, in some cases, turfgrass. |
ovary |
- the site at the base of the female organ (pistil) where the
eggs are produced. Once fertilized with pollen, the ovary
contains the ovules which will develop into the seed(s) inside
the fruit.
ovate |
- a leaf the form of an egg |
overwinter |
having the ability to survive the sub-freezing temperatures of a
typical winter.
Also the process of helping
the plant survive the winter such as temporary placement in a
greenhouse or other structure, covering with extra
mulch or, in
the case of
hybrid tea roses, covering with soil, styrofoam
tubes or leaves. |
ovules |
the structure within the ovary that, after
develop into seeds.
own-rooted |
- used to differentiate between plants grown on their own roots
versus those who have been grafted onto the root of another
For example, many shrub
roses are grown on their own
roots which are perfectly hardy in cold climates. All
hybrid tea roses are grafted onto a different
rootstock because the hybrid
rose plant roots tend to be non-hardy. |
oxidation |
- the loss of an electron by an atom or molecule in the presence
of oxygen. |