Consider the following shrubs when planning a hedge, topiary, or other formal design. All of them take close shearing and clipping well.

Abelia x grandiflora - Glossy Abelia
Berberis thunbergii - Japanese Barberry
Buxus species - Boxwood
Leptospermum scoparium - New Zealand Teatree
Leucodendron species
Lonicera nitida - Box Honeysuckle
Melaleuca species - Bottlebrush
Myrica pensylvanica - Northern Bayberry
Pittosporum crassifotium
Photea species
Prunus maritima - Beach Plum
Rhaphiolepis indica - India Hawthorn
Rosa rugosa - Rugosa Rose,
Rosa virginiana - Virginia Rose
Rosmarinus officinalis - Rosemary
Tamarix species - Tamarisk



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