The genus, Viburnum, contains many, many species of shrubs. Several dozens of these species have found their way into the nursery trade and into our gardens. Viburnums are a very flexible group of shrubs that have a lot of nice ornamental traits and few serious problems. One of the key traits is that most of them tolerate shady situations so they work well with plants such as hostas.

Viburnums for the Home Garden - Genus Viburnum

Types of Viburnum Flowers:


  1. Flat Clusters of Perfect Flowers - These can be several inches in diameter and consist of hundreds of small, perfect flowers colored creamy white.
  2. Snowballs - Rounded clusters of sterile flowers which do not bear fruit.
    • V. plicatum cultivars or varieties
      • tomentosum
      • 'Mariesii'
      • 'Roseum'
  3. Doublefile Flowers - Flat clusters of perfect flowers surrounded by large, sterile or ray flowers around the perimeter.

Order of Bloom

species are available with a wide range of bloom times. The following list gives the relative bloom time for many types of viburnum. Depending on the climate in your area, the months may be different but the order will be the relative same.

Early to mid-April V. farreri (fragrans)  
Early May V. buddleifolium
V. alnifolium
V. burejaeticum
V. furcatum
V. x rhytidophylloides
V. schensianum  'Aumntiacum'
V. sieboldii
Mid-May V. bitchiuense
V. x burkwoodii
V. carlesii
V. x juddii
V. lantana
V. veitchii 
Late May V. betulifolium
V. bracteatum
V. carlcephalum
V. erosum
V. lentago
V. macrocephalum
V. opulus
V. opulus 'Roseum'
V. orientale
V. plicatum 'Mariesii'
V. plicatum tomentosum
V. raflnesquianum
V. rhytidophyllum
V. rufidulum
V. sargentii
V. setigeruni
V. trilobum
V. urceolatum
V. wrightii
Early June V. cassinoides
V. dentatum
V. dilatatum
V. hupehense
V. lobophyllum
V. prunifolium
V. ovatifolium
Mid-June V. acerifolium
V. bracteatum
V. molle
V. pubescens
Viburnum Fruit
Yellow Fruit
Red Fruit
Blue Fruit
Black Fruit
  • V. acerifolium and V. lantana. There are others like V. sieboldii, V. plicata cultivars and V. veftchii in which the fruits are black at maturity,
Blue to Black at Maturity
Generally do not bear fruit

Shade Tolerant Viburnums

Interesting Viburnum Foliage
  • V. sieboldii - Siebold Viburnum - Large, dark green, deeply rugose leaves appear in clusters on the branches so that there are open spaces without foliage, lending a most pleasing aspect to the plant as a whole. (Named for plant explorer, Philip von Siebold)

  • V. x rhytidophylloides - Long leaves - 'Willow Wood Seedling'

  • V. lantana 'Rugosum' - Wayfaring Tree - rugose, slightly glossy, dark green leaves that have none of the light green of the species.

  • Other Viburnums also have handsome foliage, but the above-mentioned might be considered the best for this purpose.

Types of Growth Habit
Single Trunk
Short Height
Horizontal Branching

Cultivars of V. plicatum certainly should be mentioned, for Mariesii', 'Lanarth' and 'Roseum' have horizontal branching habits, bearing their flat clusters of flowers and fruits on the upper side of each branch, making the plants conspicuous among other shrubs in the landscape planting.



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