This is a
tissue culture sport of H. 'Royal Mouse Ears' which was registered by
Mark Zilis of Illinois in 2006.
This slow growing, small size (6 inches high by 16 inches wide) plant has a leaf center that changes from a gold
center to creamy white as the summer progresses. Dense clusters
of medium purple flowers appear in July.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "This was found in the same cultures of 'Royal Mouse
Ears' that produced the white-margined 'Frosted Mouse Ears'. As
a white-centered sport, I had expected it to be a weak grower,
but that has not been the case. It manages a good growth rate in
containers, even as a young plant."
The Book of
Little Hostas (2010) says: "In dappled shade
matures slowly into a pretty, flat mound, ideal for the trough or the front of
the raised bed."
Warren I. Pollock
wrote comments about the many sports of H. 'Blue Mouse Ears' (which he termed
BME) in
Hosta Journal (2012 Vol. 43 No. 2). He stated, "Jan van den Top
reports 'Pure Heart' and 'Desert Mouse' are the same hosta. Also, 'Holy Mouse Ears' comes up with plain blue-green leaves; after a month or so, a
creamy-white center develops somewhat more yellow than others in this
variegation group. Recall: 'Holy Mouse Ears' is from 'Royal Mouse Ears'." |
'Royal Mouse Ears' is described as having blue-green foliage with numerous gold
and creamy-white streaks throughout the leaf blade.
Jan van den Top
reports it
emerges with plain bluish-green leaves and streaking appears a month or so
later. In addition to streaks in the center, also expect distinct creamy
margins. Further, don't be surprised if 'Royal Mouse Ears' settles out as a
margined-leaved 'Frosted Mouse Ears'. Recall: 'Frosted Mouse Ears' and 'Holy Mouse Ears' originally came from 'Royal Mouse Ears'." |
An article by
Warren I. Pollack in
Hosta Journal (2020 Vol. 51 No. 1) titled
Doppelgänger Hostas: Fancy Name for
Look-alike Hostas, included a long list of hostas
which various hostaphiles, published articles or other sources have
indicated "look" the same. Some of these are, in fact, the same
plant with two or more different names. Others are hostas that vary
in some minor trait which is not immediately discernable to the
casual observer such as seasonal color variations, bloom traits, ploidy, etc. So, as Warren mentions, hostaphiles may differ as to the
plants listed but then, their opinions are based on visual observations and interpretations. |
'Pure Heart' is included on two look-alike lists in this
article. Following an algebra rule I learned in the last century, if
A=B and B=C, then A=C so all the hostas on both lists should be
look-alikes...right? Also, all the hostas on both lists are medially
(center) variegated except for H. 'Mighty Mouse' which has
marginal variegation.
List #1 -
H. 'Holy Mouse Ears',
H. 'Mighty Mouse',
H. 'Mouse Trap', H.
'Pure Heart' and
H. 'Snow
List #2 - H.
Mouse', H. 'Mighty
Moe', H. 'Minerva
Mouse Ears' and
H. 'Pure Heart' |