In 1989,
Wm and Eleanor Lachman of Massachusetts registered this hybrid of
"Lachman Seedling L84-44-1" which was a hybrid of (H. 'Crepe
Suzette' × H. 'Blue Moon') . The
medium size mound grows to about 11
inches in height with a spread of 30 inches. Its medium green
foliage has a white marginal variegation. The leaves are heart
shaped and slightly corrugated. It bears lavender flowers in

An article by
Bob Solberg in
Hosta Journal (1994 Vol. 25 No. 2) states that "William
and Eleanor Lachman crossed the better blues of
Eric Smith
with their own line of variegated 'Beatrice' and 'Flamboyant'
hybrids to yield a large group of blue hostas with cream to white
variegation - unlike any previously introduced: 'Cherub'...and
'Crusader'...both registered in
1989 are two examples of this breakthrough. Some may also consider
the Lachman's earlier introductions of 'Carnival'
and 'El Capitan' as breakthroughs
for their substance and bright gold edges, although 'Galaxy',
their streaked sibling, is of more value to hybridizers. All have 'Beatrice'
and some 'Tokudama' in their
