Dr. Jim
and Jill
Wilkins of Michigan registered this cultivar in 1995. It is a sport of a
hybrid of "Wilkins
Seedling Splash F5" x H. 'Dorset Blue'. A medium size
(12 inches high by 30 inches wide) hosta with a good growth rate and high contrast between
the variegated margin and the center. Pale purple flowers bloom
in August.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "Vigorous, a rapid increaser. Grow as a foreground
specimen or in a tall terracotta chimney pot to
accentuate the arching leaves."

A Photo Essay article by Steve Chamberlain in
Hostta Journal (2010 Vol. 41 No. 1) makes comments about
H. 'Wolverine', "Jim Wilkins registered this sport of a 'Dorset Blue' seedling
in 1995. In the spring, there is beautiful contrast between the blue center and
the creamy white margin. As the wax washes off, the center becomes a solid
