white-backed form of H. 'Amagi Iwa' (aka
longipes latifolia) is from an unidentified originator in
Japan and was
registered by
Kevin Walek (Hosta Registrar) in 2009
with new data in
It is a medium size hosta about 15 inches
high by 32 inches wide with dark green foliage. The leaves are
broadly ovate, smooth, moderately rippled and shiny on top with
pruple-red dotted petioles. Purple, tubular flowers bloom in September
but the seed set was unknown at the time of registration.
Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled,
A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term iwa as rock, Iwa Gibōshi or
H. longipes and the term urajiro as white-backed or white underside.
An article by Warren I. Pollock in
Hosta Journal (2014 Vol. 45 No. 2) states that, "Correctly,
'Urajiro Hachijo' should be 'Urajiro Amagi Iwa', registered in 2009. It is the
white-backed (urajiro) form of
H. longipes var. latifolia having glossy, broad
rippled-edged leaves."