Registered by
Paul Aden of New York in 1978, this cultivar is a cross of H. 'Tokudama Aureonebulosa' × H. 'Golden Waffles'. The mound grows to
a medium size 14 inches in height and 40
inches wide with slightly wavy, moderately corrugated leaves
with good substance. It bears very pale lavender flowers in late

According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), " outstanding source of both
seedlings and sports...has also been sold as 'Golden Prayers' since the 1980s...listed parentage of 'Little
Aurora' is highly
questionable. Crosses between 'Tokudama Aureonebulosa' and
'Golden Waffles' yield medium to medium-large size plants with thick
leaves at least 8-9" long by 7" widen. Even more significantly,
the vein pair count would be around 16. 'Little Aurora' falls
short in all of these categories...More likely the cross was
something like 'Golden Waffles' x 'Flamboyant'..."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Scape is often no higher than the top of the
foliage mound and the flowers tend to nestle among the leaves...Moderate to good
growth rate but is most successful in cooler gardens...Much confused in the
trade with H. 'Golden Prayers', which is larger and produces upright leaves in a
praying position."
The Book of Little Hostas by Kathy and Michael Shadrack
(2010) says: "Needs early morning sun to bring out good color. An
ideal plant to provide color contrast in a mixed planting."

An article in
Hosta Journal (1994 Vol. 25 No. 2) states that H.
'Golden Prayers' and
H. 'Little Aurora' are the same plant.
