This cultivar is a
Tardiana-type hostas developed by
Eric Smith in
England in the 1960's.
Paul Aden of New York registered the plant for Smith in 1976. It is a medium size (14
inches high) hosta with
pale lavender flowers from late July into August. This cultivar is
part of the "Hadspen
Series" of hostas.
The Hostapedia by
Mark Zilis (2009) states that this cultivar "...has fooled many a
collector. As a young plant the leaf blade has a narrowly
elliptic shape, but widens considerably with age."

An article by Warren I. Pollock in
Hosta Journal (1997 Vol. 28 No. 1) states that, "H. 'Blue Blush' is described in nursery catalogues as "small" or "dwarf." In fact,
when mature it is neither small nor dwarf. As a young plant, 'Blue Blush' is
small, perhaps an 8-inch mound. But after about 5 or so years, it takes off and
becomes a medium size plant. The 'Blue Blush' registration by the
British Hosta
and Hemerocallis Society if for a young - not mature - plant...Sandra
Bond says that if you want to keep 'Blue Blush' small, keep dividing it. She
adds that 'Hadspen Heron', another in the Tardiana Group, responds in the same
