Warren I. Pollock
wrote comments about the many sports of H. 'Blue Mouse Ears' (which he termed
BME) in
Hosta Journal (2012 Vol. 43
No. 2). The following is a brief summary of the major points he made about
various hosta cultivars in the article.
BME, there's 'Green Mouse Ears'. It's an excellent grower too and should reach BME
size...In 2005,
Mark Zilis measured the BME clump in the
Deckert's garden.
The largest leaf size was 3 1/2 inches long by 2 7/8 inches wide (10 sq. in.).
Mound height was 8 inches, width 22 inches. So don't expect your BME and 'Green Mouse Ears' to remain mini size after about five-six years, given good growing
Mark Zilis registered 'Ruffled Mouse Ears', which has wavy blue-green leaves.
Possibly it's 'Dancing Mouse' without variegation."
"Jan van den Top
reports 'Mighty Mouse' and 'Lucky Mouse' are the same hosta. Also,
'Frosted Mouse Ears'
comes up from the ground with plain blue-green leaves. After a month or so,
a creamy-white margin develops somewhat more yellowish than others in the
variegation group. This is in agreement with
Tony Avent's
observation that the margin of 'Frosted Mouse Ears' seems to be slightly less
white than 'Mighty Mouse'. Recall: 'Frosted Mouse Ears' is from 'Royal Mouse Ears'."
4) "H. 'One
Iota', 'Mighty Mouse' and 'Lucky Mouse' emerge in the spring with bright
creamy-yellow margins that turn creamy white by summer. All have very similar
foliage characteristics, often indistinguishable from each other unless examined
carefully for minute yellowish hue difference...H. 'One
Iota' and 'Lucky Mouse'
appear to be the same, having a bit yellower margin than 'Mighty Mouse'. This
would be expected since 'Lucky Mouse' sported from 'One
Iota Supreme' that
reportedly sported from 'One
5) "H.
Mouse' comes up with a clear white margin that turns creamy or even greenish
late in the season. Margins in this variegation group start out yellow and turn
creamy yellow."
6) "Jan van den Top
reports 'Pure Heart' and 'Desert Mouse' are the same hosta. Also, 'Holy Mouse Ears' comes up with plain blue-green leaves; after a month or so, a
creamy-white center develops somewhat more yellow than others in this
variegation group. Recall: 'Holy Mouse Ears' is from 'Royal Mouse Ears'."
7) "H.
'Mighty Moe' and 'Desert Mouse' look very similar."
8) "Marco
Fransen reports that 'Snow Mouse' is the same as 'Mouse Trap'. The bright-white
center emerges in the spring and stays all season. There often is some green
speckling or flecks in the white center, either on newer leaves or later in the
season. Don't be surprised if you find plain blue-green leaves on both
9) "H.
'Royal Mouse Ears' is described as having blue-green foliage with numerous gold
and creamy-white streaks throughout the leaf blade.
Jan van den Top
reports it
emerges with plain bluish-green leaves and streaking appears a month or so
later. In addition to streaks in the center, also expect distinct creamy
margins. Further, don't be surprised if 'Royal Mouse Ears' settles out as a
margined-leaved 'Frosted Mouse Ears'. Recall: 'Frosted Mouse Ears' and 'Holy Mouse Ears' originally came from 'Royal Mouse Ears'."
10) "H. 'One
Iota Supreme' is a streaked form of 'One
Iota', occasionally labeled 'One Iota
Streaked'. Jan van den Top
says the creamy yellow of 'One
Iota Supreme' is less
bright than the creamy yellow of 'Royal Mouse Ears', so expect this coloring for
'Blue Mouse Ears Supreme' and 'Mouse Tracks' too...Many hosta aficionados think
Iota Supreme', 'Blue Mouse Ears Supreme' and 'Mouse Tracks' are the same.
However, I'm not aware of any side-by-side studies."
11) "Shady Characters Nursery describes 'Cat and Mouse' leaves as 'chartreuse interior circled
by an uneven blue-green margin. Lighter shades of green appear where the two
colors overlap'. The center becomes much brighter and distinct later in the
growing season. Also, the margin turns green later in the season. Furthermore,
don't be surprised if your 'Cat and Mouse' is not stable, reverting to
plain-leaved BME ."
12) "Recently,
Fransen introduced 'Dancing Mouse'. Its blue-green leaves have
a wavy yellowish-green border that darkens to pale green as the season
progresses. He states that the ruffled green as the season progresses. He states
that the ruffled margins and unusual color combination make it different from
others in the series...(Is 'Dancing Mouse' a variegated 'Ruffled Mouse Ears'?)"
13) "In 2010,
Danny Van Eechaute registered 'Mystic Mouse'. Leaves have two shades of
blue-green, with the leaf center being somewhat lighter than the margin."
14) "...Hugo
Philips has found an interesting BME sport, 'Jumbo Mouse
Ears' registered last year.
It's larger growing than BME with leaves having an embroidered edge."