miniature size (3 inches high by 6 inches wide)
hosta is a tissue culture sport of H.
Mouse Ears' which was registered by
Hans Hansen
Shady Oaks Nursery of Minnesota in
2007 and given a U.S. patent in
chartreuse centered leaves get slightly lighter as the season
progresses. It has
pale purple flowers in July.

The Book of Little Hostas by Kathy and Michael Shadrack
(2010) says: "It will be interesting to see if this plant gets
bigger as it matures."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states in its Miniature Hostas chapter: "The leaves
retain the attractive variegation into early autumn. Slow to
moderate growth rate...This delightful recent introduction is
already captivating the collectors of mini hostas."
Hosta Helper will call this plant
'Cat and Mouse' (Hansen)
United States Patent: PP20862 (2010)
Abstract: A new cultivar of hybrid Hosta named
‘Cat and Mouse’, characterized by its miniature plant
size, its mounded plant habit, its round, glaucous
leaves that are variegated with yellow-green center with
blue-green margins in spring with the centers turning
brighter and the margins turning greener in summer and
its white flowers striped with lavender emerging in
early summer on erect flower scapes.

Warren I. Pollock
wrote comments about the many sports of H. 'Blue Mouse Ears' (which he termed
BME) in
Hosta Journal (2012 Vol. 43 No. 2). He stated, "Shady Characters Nursery describes 'Cat and Mouse' leaves as 'chartreuse interior circled
by an uneven blue-green margin. Lighter shades of green appear where the two
colors overlap'. The center becomes much brighter and distinct later in the
growing season. Also, the margin turns green later in the season. Furthermore,
don't be surprised if your 'Cat and Mouse' is not stable, reverting to
plain-leaved BME ."
