This hybrid of
(H. 'Elatior' × H.
'High Noon') ×
(H. 'Great Plains' × ((H. 'Tokudama' × H.
'Bengee') x (H. montana praeflorens x H. 'Zounds'))) was registered by Olga Petryszyn of Indiana in 2010.
It has golden yellow foliage with a light green marginal
variegation. The leaves are ovate, slightly wavy and
very shiny on top. Tubular flowers bloom from June into
July on scapes 34 to 37 inches tall.
According to the registration materials: "...soft, muted bright gold center bleeding
softly into lime green edges, very shiny and waxy,
leaf shapes tend stay wide and not taper
immediately. Unique gold and lime color...deeper gold as season progresses..."
