This heavily corrugated, large size (22 inches
high by 50 inches wide) mound hosta was
originated by
Florence Shaw of Massachusetts and registered by
Paul Aden of New York in
1978. It was
re-registered in 2012 to show that Shaw was the actual
It is a hybrid of H. 'Golden Waffles' × H. 'Golden
Prayers'. It has a bright color and the thick texture tends to
resist slug damage. 'Zounds' is NOT susceptible to spring desiccation
burn like some similar hostas. Very pale lavender flowers bloom from
late June into July followed by viable seeds.
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Site in good light or filtered to light shade,
where it glows like a beacon when surrounded by dark green-leaved plants...A
classic hosta."

An article by Warren I. Pollock in
Hosta Journal (1995 Vol. 26 No. 2) states that, "H. 'Dick Ward' is a handsome new cultivar, a sport of gold-leaved 'Zounds' with a
wide green border. It was introduced and registered by Handy Hatfield...named
for the well-known hosta collector,
Dr. Richard Ward of Columbus, Ohio...H.
'Dick Ward'...currently selling for $150 for nice-sized divisions."
Warren I. Pollock in
Hosta Journal (2014 Vol. 45 No. 1) states that, "The
American Hosta Society
Cultivar Origination Commission…concluded that
Kevin C. Vaughn
and the late Florence Shaw should be credited for some of Aden’s
registrations…Eight of
Paul Aden ’s
crème de la crème registrations are credited
to Kevin Vaughn as originator and 16 to Florence Shaw…Among them are H. ‘Fragrant Bouquet’ (K. Vaughn – 1982), ‘So Sweet’ (K. Vaughn –1986), ‘Zounds’
(F. Shaw – 1978), ‘Love Pat’ (F. Shaw – 1978), ‘Sum
and Substance’ (F. Shaw –
1980) and ‘Blue
Angel’ (F. Shaw – 1986)."
