This cultivar was originated by
Dr. Fumio Maekawa of Japan around 1940 and registered by
Peter and Jean Ruh of Ohio in
2002. The plant is a giant size (31 to 43 inches tall by
74 to 91 inches wide) hosta
with a vase shape and foliage that is very deeply lobed at the
base and has a distinct tip.
As with most plants of this type,
it has thick, slug resistant, substance. The leaves are slightly
shiny on top, slightly wavy, slightly twisted and
slightly rippled. Near white flowers with lavender
stripes are
borne on nearly 6 feet tall scapes from mid-July into August. It
sets viable seeds.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "There is some question as to whether or not
'Elatior' should be considered a form of
H. nigrescens. Bob Solberg of Green Hill Farm in North Carolina and others have recently debated this point and I am in
agreement that it does not look or act like H. nigrescens
The Hosta Handbook
by Mark Zilis (2000) comments,
"Though listed as a type of
H. nigrescens,
it likely is a hybrid. A good guess as to its parentage would be
H. nigrescens (tall
scapes, large size, upright habit) x
H. montana (scape but
flowerlike as it unfurls, whitish flower color)."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostasby
Grenfell (2009) states: "A superb specimen for a woodland setting...The
tallest flower scape of any hosta. Small near-white
bracts on the flower scape."
From the
Field Guide to Hostas by Mark Zilis (2014), "As a mature
specimen in flower, 'Elatior' can only be viewed in
awe...the flower stalks that reach 6-7 feet high or
more add a prominent vertical element to any shaded
landscape...Likely, it is a cross between
nigrescens and
H. montana,
hypoleuca or

An article by Warren I. Pollock in
Hosta Journal (2004 Vol. 35 No.2) says, "...the cultivar
that has been known as H. nigrescens 'Elatior' is now named with just its
cultivar epithet, 'Elatior'. In other words, no species name is attached...The
consensus of hosta authorities today is that 'Elatior' does not have
H. nigrescens parentage. More than likely its parentage is
H. montana ."
An article by Warren I. Pollock in
The Hosta Journal (2011 Vol. 42 No. 1) states that, "The
handsome 'Victory'...a
sport of 'Elatior', has
handsome green leaves with creamy yellow margin that fades
to creamy white. It too has those exceedingly tall flower
scapes; the registration gives their heights as 40 to 70 inches.
I am one of those who does not consider the scapes of 'Elatior'
and 'Victory' a positive
