This cultivar is a
hybrid of an unnamed seedling of H. 'Marbled
Cream' × H. 'Atom Smasher' which was registered by
Ron Livingston of Michigan in 2008 and was granted a U.S. patent in
2010. It is a small size plant (7 inches high by
12 inches wide) with medium green foliage and a
golden yellow marginal variegation. The leaves are
heavily rippled, slightly shiny on top, deeply
folded, lanceolate and intensely wavy. Medium
lavender, tubular flowers bloom from
July into August.
 The Book of Little Hostas by
Kathy and Michael Shadrack
(2010) says: "Needs morning sun and once established will grow
well. Ideal for pots and containers."
The patent application lists the following as similar cultivars:
Punch' has a much
larger leaf and habit, a darker leaf center and taller
flower scapes than 'Alakazaam'. 'Atom Smasher’, the pollen parent, has solid yellow
leaves and smaller habit than 'Alakazaam'."
