Growth rate in plants can vary widely. Some take forever to put on a little more size or cover a little more area. Others seem to race to the next step in their growth process.

The term "fast growing" may imply a couple of factors. One is that the plant may grow faster than others in its species. Some hostas put on divisions and grow to mature clump size faster than others. The second way to look at it is in terms of how it relates to a general plant type. Silver maples, poplars and willows, for instance, are known as fast growing trees.

As with most things, fast growing has both positive and negative potentials. On the plus size, these plants will fill the space (vertical and/or horizontal) quickly. If you need a groundcover or screen or have plants fill in a bed or border, these plants will fit the bill. However, trees called fast growers usually put on less dense, weak wood and are more likely to be trashy plants that fall apart in ice or wind stores. Perennials that grow rapidly may need to be divided more often to maintain flowering.

Abelia x grandiflora - Glossy Abelia
Berberis species - Barberry
Callistemon rigidus - Lemon Bottlebrush
Caragana arborescens - Siberian Peashrub
Ceanothus species - Wild Lilac
Choisya ternata - Mexican Orange
Cistus species - Rockrose
Cornus alba - Tartarian Dogwood
Cornus sericea - Redosier Dogwood
Cotoneaster dammeri - Bearberry Cotoneaster
Cotoneaster divaricatus - Spreading Cotoneaster
Cytisus x praecox - Wanminster Broom
Elaeagnus species - Olive
Forsythia species - Forsythia
Fuchsia x hybrida - Common Fuchsia
Hydrangea macrophylla - Bigleaf Hydrangea
Hypericum calycinum - St John's Wort
Kerria japonica - Japanese Kerria
Kolkwitzia amabilis - Beautybush
Ligustrum species - Privet
Lonicera species - Honeysuckle
Myrica species - Northern Bayberry
Nerium species - Oleander
Philadelphus species - Mockorange
Pittosporum species - Pittosporum
Pyracantha species - Firethorn
Rhus copallina - Flameleaf Sumac
Rhus typhina - Staghorn Sumac
Rosa species - Rose
Spiraea species - Spirea
Tamarix species - Tamarisk
Weigela Florida - Old Fashioned Weigela



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