When the general public thinks about a "beautiful" garden, their imaginations are usually filled with colorful flowers. However, as dedicated gardeners, we know that the foliage of plants can be of equal importance in making our beds and borders "work" to their best.

Here are some ornamental landscape plants with outstanding foliage traits:

  • (C) signifies a coarse, bold texture

  • (M) a medium texture

  • (F) a fine texture

  • (G) indicates gray or silvery foliage

  • (E) indicates that the plant is evergreen

  • (All) examples of C, M & F included

Acanthus (C) - Bear's Breeches
AIchemilla (M) - Lady's Mantle
Amsonia (F) - Blue Star
Armeria (F, F) - Sea Pink
Artemisia (F, G) - Wormwood
Arvncus  species (C) - False Spirea
Aunnia species (G) - Basket of Gold
Baptisia species (M) - False Indigo
Bergenia species (C, F) - Pigsqueak
Coreopsis verticillata (F) - Threadleaf Coreopsis
Dianthus species (F) - Pinks
Euphorbia species (NI) - Spurge
Grasses: (All)
Helleborus species (F) - Christmas Rose
Hemerocallis species (F) - Daylily
Heuchera species (F) - Coralbells
Hosta species - Plantain Lily
Iris kaerapferi (M) - Japanese iris
Iris sibirica (M) - Siberian Iris
Kniphojia species (M) - Red Hot Poker
Ligularia species (C) - Groundsel
Paeonia species (M) - Peony
Polygonatum species (M) - Solomon's Seal
Pulmonaria species (M) - Lungwort
Salvia x superba (G) - Perennial Salvia
Sedum species (M) - Stonecrop
Stachys byzantina (G) - Wooly Betony
Thalictrum species (F) - Meadow Rue
Evergreen Foliage  
Ajuga reptans
Armeria maritima
Asarum europaeum
Bergenia cordifolia
Carex morrowii
'Aurea Variegata'
Epimedium x rubrum
Euphorbia myrsinites
Festuca ovina var glauca
Festuca cinerea
Helleborus niger
Heleborus orientalis
Helleborus sp
Iberis sempervirens
Liriope spicata
Liriope muscari
Opuntia humifusa
Pachysandra terminalis
Phlox subulata
Polystichum acrosticholdes
(some species)
Sempervivum sp
Teucreum chamaedrys
Yucca sp
Shrubs or Small Trees with Year Around Foliage Interest
Acer palmatum var dissectum
- Laceleaf Japanese Maple
‘Crimson King’ (reddish)
‘Flavescens’ (yellowish green)
‘Ozakazuki’ (yellowish)
‘Purpureum’ (deep red)
‘Reticulatum’ (green, yellow, and pink)
Aucuba japonica - Japanese Aucuba ‘Crotonifolia’ (green and yellow)
‘Picturata’ (green and yellow)
‘Variegata’ (green and yellow)
Berberis thunbergii - Japanese Barberry ‘Aurea’ (yellow)
‘Crimson Pygmy’ (reddish)
‘Sheridan’s Red’ (red)
‘Variegata’ (white and green)
Chamaecyparis lawsoriana
- Lawson Falsecypress
‘Forsteckensis’ (gray-green)
‘Pygmaea Argentea’ (yellow)
Chamaecyparis obtusa - Hinoki Falsecypress 'Mariesii’ (green tipped with white)
Chamaecyparis pisifera - Sawara Falsecypress ‘Aurea Nana’ (yellow)
'Boulevard' (gray)
‘Golden Mop’ (yellow)
‘Nana Variegata’ (green and white)
Cornus alba ‘Argenteo-marginata’ variegated
- Tartarian Dogwood
‘spaethii’ (green and yellow)
Cotinus coggygria
- Smoke Tree
‘Daydream’ (purple)
‘Velvet Cloak’ (purple)
Daphne odora
- Winter Daphne
‘Marginata’ (green and yellow)
Elaeagnus pungens
- Silverberry
*'Maculata' (green and yellow)
‘Marginata’ (green and white)
'Variegata’ (green and yellow)
Euonymus fortunei
- Wintercreeper
‘Emerald and Gold’ (green and yellow)
‘Golden Prince’ (green and yellow)
Euonymus japonica
- Japanese Spindle Tree
'Albomarginata’ (green and white)
'Aureomarginata' (green and yellow)
'Golden' (green and yellow)
'Microphylla Variegata’ (green and white)'Silver King’ (green and white)
'Silver Queen’ (green and white)
Hydrangea macrophylla
- Bigleaf Hydrangea
‘Tricolor’ (green, white, and yellow)
Juniperus chinensis
- Chinese Juniper
‘Armstrongii’ (gray)
‘Blaauw’ (gray)
‘Old Gold’ (yellow),
'Pfitserana Aurea’ (yellow)
'Plumosa Aureovariegata’ (yellow)
Juniperus chinensis procumbens
- Japanese Garden Juniper
‘Depressa Aurea’ (yellow)

Juniperus conferta - Shore Juniper (gray-blue)
'Juniperus horizontalis - Creeping Juniper (gray or blue)
Juniperus sabina
- Savin Juniper
'Broadmoor’ (gray)
‘Skandia’ (gray)
'Variegata’ (gray and white)
Juniperus scopulorum
- Rocky Mountain Juniper
'Lakewood Globe’ (gray-blue)
'Table Top Blue’ (blue-gray)
Kerria japonica
- Japanese Kerria
‘Aureo-variegata’ (green and yellow)
‘Aureo-vittata’ (green and yellow stems)‘Picta’ (green and white)
Leptospermum scoparium
- New Zealand Teatree
‘Gaiety Girl’ (reddish)
'Varingi’ (reddish)
Leucothoe fontanesiana
- Drooping Leucothoe
'Girard’s Rainbow’ (green, white, and pink)
Ligustrum x iboliuntibolium
- Privet
‘Variegata’ (green and yellow)
Ligustrum japonicum - Japanese Privet 'Silver Star’ (green and white)
Cotinus coggygria
- Smoke Tree
‘Aureum’ (green and yellow)
Ligustrum ‘Vicaryi’ - Golden Privet (yellow)
Myrtus communis
- Myrtle
'Compacta Variegata’ (green and white)
'Variegata’ (green and white)
Nandina domestica
- Heavenly Bamboo
'Nana Purpurea’ (purplish)
'Variegata’ (green and white)
Osmanthus heterophytlus
- Holly Olive
'Purpureus’ (purplish)
‘Variegatus’ (green and white)
Platycladus orientalis
- Oriental Arborvitae
'Aurea Nana’ (yellow)
'Compacta’ (gray-green)
Taxus baccata
- English Yew
'Aurea’ (yellow)
'Elegantissima’ (green and yellow)
Taxus cuspidata
- Japanese Yew
'Aurescens’ (yellow)
Thuja occidentalis
- American Arborvitae
'Aurea’ (yellow)
'Lutea’ (yellow)
'Umbraculifera’ (gray-blue)
Silver or Gray Foliage  
Achillea 'Moonshine'
Anaphalis cultivars
Artemisra cultivars
Dianthus species - Pinks
Euphorbla myrsinites
Helichrysum hybridum 'Sulphur Light'
Nepeta faessenii
Stachys lanala cultivars
Verbascum 'Gainsborough'
Veronica incana
Yucca filamentosa


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