Sorbus aucuparia
European Mountainash or Rowan
3 to 6
Northern Europeto Western Asia and Siberia, and naturalized in North America

Oval to spherical canopy.
20 to 40 feet tall with a spread of about 30 feet.
White flowers borne in 3 to 5 inch wide flat-topped corymbs. Malodorus.
Alternate, pinnately compound, 9 to 15 leaflets, 3/4 to 2 1/2” long. Flat, dull dark green color.
Varies from green to yellowish to reddish.
Small, berry-like pome that are orange to red in color.
Fireblight, mountainash sawfly.

‘Apricot Queen’- Apricot colored fruit.

‘Asplenifolia’ - Leaflets doubly serrate and deeply divided.

‘Beissneri’ - Pinnately lobed leaflets; leaf petioles and branchlets bright red, stems and trunk a rich copper-brown color.

‘Black Hawk’- Columnar form with thick dark green leaves and large orange fruits, appears to be resistant to sun-scald, 30’ by 20’.

‘Brilliant Pink' - Pink fruit.

‘Brilliant Yellow’ - Golden yellow fruit in 3 to 5” wide infructescences, 30’ by 20’.

‘Cardinal Royal' - Vigorous grower with symmetrical upright narrow-oval habit, leaves dark green above, silvery beneath, brilliant red fruits.

‘Carpet of Gold’ - Sulfur-yellow to orange fruit.

‘Charming Pink’ - Pink fruit, 30’ by 20’, oval habit.

‘Coral Fire' - Thick dark green leaves, bright red fall color, coral-red fruits.

‘Edulis’ - Fruit larger (1/3 to 3/8” diameter) than species.

‘Fastigiata’ - Upright with strongly ascending branches, dark green leaves.

‘Pendula’ - Weeping in an irregular, unkempt manner and fruiting quite heavily.

‘Red Cascade’- Small compact oval tree with small orange-red fruits and yellow-orange fall color, size approximates 6’ by 8’.

'Red Copper Glow' - Bright scarlet fruits.

‘Scarlet King' - Scarlet fruit.

‘Wilson' - Dense columnar form, red fruit, 30’.

‘Xanthocarpa’ - Yellow fruits, more properly amber-yellow.



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