Mountainash, Whitebeam, Rowan, Service Tree

This is a genus that is under consideration by taxonomists so there is only an estimate that there are somewhere between 100 and 200 species. Although the common name is Mountainash, this genus is not related to the true ash trees in the genus, Fraxinus.

Mountainash for the Home Landscape



Sorbus alnifolia Korean Mountainash
S. americana American Mountainash
S. aria White Beam Mountainash
S. x arnoldiana (Arnold Arboretum)
S. aucuparia European Mountainash
S. cashmiriana Kashmir Mountainash
S. decora Showy Mountainash
S. discolor Snowberry Mountainash
S. folgneri Folgner Mountainash
S. x hybrida  
S. sargentiana Sargent Mountainash
S. tianshanica  
S. vilmorinii Vilmorin Mountainash


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