Forsythia x intermedia
Border Forsythia
Hybrid Origin

Stiff and upright, although the branches do arch slightly
9 feet
  • 'Beatrix Farrand' - Arnold Arboretum introduction has larger, darker flowers than the species.
  • 'Spectabilis' - upright and dense habit, produces heavy bloom and has vivid yellow, conspicuous flowers.
  • 'Deusiflora' - has pale yellow flowers and is more upright than some of the others.
  • 'Karl Sax' - similar to 'Beatrix Farrand', slightly more flower-bud hardy and originated in the Arnold Arboretum.
  • 'Lynwood' - branch sport of F. intermedia 'Spectabilis'. Slightly lighter flower color.
  • 'Nana' - May take several years to bloom from the time the cutting is taken and rooted.
  • 'Primulina' - light, primrose-yellow flowers.
  • 'Spectabilis' - as vivid a yellow as 'Beatrix Farrand'. More upright and sturdy than F. suspensa, the flowers are larger and are produced in greater quantity.
  • 'Spring Glory' - lighter yellow than the others, without being the greenish yellow of 'Arnold Dwarf'.
  • 'Arnold Dwarf' - cross between F. intermedia x F. japonica made in the Arnold Arboretum has small and greenish yellow and are produced sparsely.

(F. suspensa x F. viridissima)


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