Fagus sylvatica |
European Beech |
Central and Southern Europe |
A stately tree with a short trunk and a densely
pyramidal to oval crown. |
50-60 feet tall with a spread of 35-45 feet |
Leaves similar to
F. grandifolia,
slightly broader, 2-4 inches long, with an
undulating, entire margin. |
Fall color, flowers and fruit are similar to
F. grandifolia. |
Buds are similar to F. grandifolia. |
Bark is similar to F. grandifolia, except
it is slightly darker in color. |
- 'Albo-variegata' - leaves variegated
with white
- 'Atropunicea' - Purple Beech has been
known since 1680 and has been offered under
the names of 'Atropurpurea', 'Cuprea', 'Nigra', 'Purpurea', 'Riversii', 'Sanguinea' and 'Spaethiana'
- 'Cuprea' - a form of 'Atropunicea' with young
foliage a lighter reddish bronze, giving
rise to the common name Copper Beech
- 'Riversii' - purple-leaved form
originating in the English nursery of Thomas
Rivers before 1869 - young foliage is
reddish but turns purplish later
- 'Spaethiana' - keeps its deep purple
color throughout the entire summer.
- 'Fastigiata'
- Dawyck Beech - fastigiate in habit
- 'Grandidentata' - leaves with coarse
- 'Laciniata'
- Cutleaf European Beech has narrow leaves
often deeply cut to almost regularly lobed.
- 'Pendula'
- Weeping Beech, has several variations
- 'Purpureo-pendula' - pendulous branches
and purple leaves-the Weeping Purple Beech
- 'Quercifolia' - oaklike foliage - Oak
Leaved Beech - leaves narrow and
irregularly toothed
- 'Rohanii' - purple leaves very similar
to those of 'Laciniata'
- 'Rosea-marginatti'- purple leaves with
an irregular light pink border.
- 'Rotundifolia' - Roundleaf Beech -
leaves are rounded - 50 feet tall with a
branch spread of 42 feet branches are
horizontal bul turned upward at the end,
making a dense, beautifully branched
pyramidal tree.
- 'Tortuosa' - a flat top similar in
general outline to that of
canadenis'Pendula'. Very slow