Fagus grandifolia |
American Beech |
North America |
A medium to large tree with a short trunk,
wide-spreading branches and a broad, rounded
50-70 feet tall with a similar spread. |
Plants are
monoecious. Male flowers acre borne
in a rounded head, females in a spike,
inconspicuous |
Early May |
Leaves are alternate, simple, 2¼-5 inches
long, with a tapering apex, coarsely serrate,
with a wedge-shaped base, lustrous dark green in
color, with 9-14 pairs of veins. |
Fall color is golden brown, with the lower
leaves persisting. |
Buds are long, slender, very sharp pointed, many
scaled, ¾-1 inch long. |
Bark is thin, smooth, bluish to whitish-gray,
often somewhat mottled. |
Fruit is an edible nut, borne solitary or in
clusters of 2-4, enclosed in a prickly husk,
ripening in October |