= Annual - A
botanical annual is a plant that goes from seed to
seed in one season and then dies. Many
plants sold as "annuals" or bedding
plants from nurseries, garden centers
and greenhouses do not meet this
Tender Perennials.


= Biennial - A
botanical biennial is a plant that goes from seed
to seed in two season and then dies. The
first season, it develops a low group of
leaves called a rosette. It survives the
winter and then blooms the second
season, sets seeds and dies.
foxglove (Digitalis
purpurea) and Sweet William (Dianthus
barbatus) are biennials
grown in the landscape.
= Bulb i.e.
an underground storage structure
consisting of stem or bud tissue
covered by papery, scale leaves.
Examples of true bulbs include tulips (Tulipa),
daffodils (Narcissus), onions (Alliums) and lilies
The term "bulb"
is also used by the general
gardening public to identify other storage structures
such as corms (gladiolus,
windflowers), rhizomes (iris), tuberous roots
or tubers (potatoes).

- Plants that produce nectar
that is attractive to butterflies or
plants that act as a food supply for the
larvae of butterflies.

= Corm - An organ of
vegetative reproduction which consists
of a short, modified, underground stem
surrounded by stored carbohydrates that
will release energy for the emerging
shoot and leaves. Examples include plants such
as the
crocus and

Cut Flowers - Plants that
are commonly used as cut flowers.

= Deer Proof - Some
plants contain chemicals that make them
poisonous or give them a bad odor
or taste that deer will avoid at all
times. An example would be
(includes daffodils) which will not be
bothered by deer or other animals.
can be a
relative term since some plants will
also be
avoided by deer because they are lower
on their "preference" list. However, if
the food supply is deficient or
the herd gets larger, deer will eat
these plants.
Deer Resistant.

= Deer Resistant -
These are plants that for some reason
seem to be less attractive as deer food.
This does not mean they are never eaten
but they tend to sustain only minor
damage unless there is a large, very hungry
deer population that routinely wanders
through your landscape. If the winter is
unusually severe with a lot of snow
cover, this may also result in deer
browsing on these plants.

Certain plants are high on the list of
favorites for browsing deer such as
hostas, flower buds, etc.. These
plants are deer magnets.

Drought Tolerant - These are
plants that require less watering than
most other ornamental landscape plants.
Many of these types of plants come
originally from areas near a desert
or in zones that routinely receive
small amounts of rainfall.

Full Sun
- Plants that need a
hours of continuous sunlight through the
day to thrive. These are often
plants that come from open spaces where
they receive sunlight from sun up in the
morning until sun down in the evening.
They would prefer sunlight all day long
but will do o.k. on as little as 6 hours
as a minimum. If these
plants do not receive the amount of
light they need, they will become
"leggy" and flop over. They may also
produce far fewer flowers than in
more ideal conditions of light.

= Hardy Perennial -
This generally refers to an
herbaceous perennial
i.e. a plant that lives more than two
years which is able to survive in
temperate zones of the world. They
have developed mechanisms that allow
them to go dormant to survive
sub-freezing temperatures.

= Hardy Vine -
These are vining or climbing plants that will
survive in the temperate zones of the
world. This means that they will
live in areas that routinely drop below
freezing in the winter.
English Ivy,
Boston Ivy,
Poison Ivy and
Grapes are examples.
Tender Vines.

- Plants often with red,
tubular flowers that are attractive to

Native to North America and
could have a place in a home landscape.
Although there are differing definitions
of what constitutes a native plant, we
will use the term to include plants that
were here before Europeans landed.

= Ornamental Grass
- This is
to differentiate these types of grasses
from those used as turfgrass such as
Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass
and fine fescue. This term includes
primarily those genera in the

Shade Tolerant Plants - Full
sun plants require a MINIMUM of 6 hours
of sunlight to do their job. Plants that
can grow and flower on fewer than 6
hours are called shade tolerant plants.
These are NOT "shade loving" which would
imply that they thrive in the dark. All
landscape plants must have a certain
minimum amount
of light in order to complete
photosynthesis, the process that
produces their own food.

= Shrub - Woody
plants that who have multiple stems that
emerge from the root system or those
trained to a single stem that generally do not
exceed 10 feet in height at maturity.

= Tree - Woody
plants that are trained or naturally
assume a single trunk and also generally reach a
height of 10 feet or more at maturity.

= Tender Perennials
Herbaceous perennials are plants that
live more than two years and do not
form woody stems. Tender perennials
are those that originate from
tropical or subtropical regions of
the world and are not exposed to
sub-freezing temperatures. If grown
in the temperate zones that do
freeze, they will not survive.
Occasionally, these plants will also
be referred to as "Half-Hearty
Perennials". Many plants
sold as "annuals" such as geraniums
(Pelargoniums) fall into this
category. They survive as perennials
in temperate zones only if they are
potted in the fall before the first
frost and taken into the house or
greenhouse. See

= Tender Vines - Vining
or climbing plants that are not hardy in the
temperate zones of the United States are
designated by this button. Generally,
these are plants that originate in the
tropical or subtropical areas of the
earth and will not tolerate freezing
temperatures. Many of the plants grown
as bedding plants or "annuals" are
actually tender perennials.
Hardy Vines.

Certain plants such as
roses, linden
trees (Tilia species) and others seem
to be extremely attractive to
Japanese beetles.

Although all of our garden plants were
originally "wildflowers", there are some
that have only recently been brought
into commercial production and which we
still describe with this term.

There is often debate over what
constitutes a "native" plant but there
are certain plants that are known to
have been introduced into North America
from other parts of the world but
which have become well established in
the wild.
