This was introduced in 1976
Paul Aden of
New York and was registered in
Mark Zilis of
T&Z or Q&Z
Nursery in Illinois. It is a hybrid of
H. venusta x H. 'Blue
This is a miniature size plant
only 3 inches high by 12 inches wide. It has thick,
blue-green foliage that is ovate shaped with good
substance. Near white, funnel shape flowers bloom in
July on scapes about 3˝ inches tall.
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas
states in its Miniature Hostas chapter:
"Origin: ...Best in a pot until the root system is
well established. Among the smallest hostas and now
very rare...The blue toned leaves are most unusual
for a hosta of this size."
Hosta Helper will call this plant
'Tet-A-Poo' (Aden)