According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "H. 'Hadspen Honey' = H. 'Hadspen
Nomenclature changes recommended in the 1991 book
The Genus Hosta by
W. George Schmid and accepted by The American Hosta Society would update names as follows: H. x
tardiana is now the Tardiana Group.

An article by Warren I. Pollock in
Hosta Journal (1985 Vol. 16) states that, "Many hosta
enthusiasts have come to assume that any cultivar name with "Hadspen" or
"Dorset" is a H x tardiana. Not so. There is at least one
exception: Eric
Smith's 'Hadspen Honey'. According to an April 5, 1978 letter
that Smith wrote to Alex J. Summers who was then living in Roslyn, New York, "H.
'Hadspen Honey' is a sport from the golden-edged
H. 'Sieboldiana'," that is, from
Hosta 'Frances Williams'."
