Bill Brincka of Indiana registered this
upright growing
cross of H. longipes hypoglauca x H. 'Crested Surf' in
1998. This cultivar starts the season bright yellow but turns
greener as the season progresses. The medium size
(10 inches high by 18 inches wide) mound has slightly wavy, slightly
corrugated leaves with deep maroon-red petioles. It forms
lavender flowers in August.
The Book of Little Hostas by Kathy and Michael Shadrack
(2010) says: "A prominent raised position in a fairly sunny spot
will display both the bright foliage and the
striking petioles. Ideal for the deck or window box
and raised bed."
mentioned, this is a plant that changes color through the
season. The picture below was taken on May 4 and the one above
was from later in the summer.
