slow growing sport of H. 'Christmas Tree',
this cultivar was introduced by
Seaver of Massachusetts in
the 1980s and registered on her behalf by
Kevin Walek (Hosta Registrar) in 2009. The heavily corrugated foliage forms a
large size (23 inches high by 56 inches wide)
mound. Its leaves are broadly ovate, cupped and dull on top.
Pale lavender, tubular flowers blooming in July
followed by viable seeds in deep purple seed pods.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...It does not match 'Christmas
Tree' in its leaf shape and flowering habits and it produces
reddish seed pods similar to 'Christmas Tree'...I think it is
more likely that 'Christmas Gold' is a seedling of 'Christmas
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Adequate moisture is essential to prevent leaf
scorch...Mature leaves can be crumpled to the point
of distortion. The mahogany-purple scape and deep
purple seedpods."

"Plant has medium-sized, rugose, cupped leaves that spread.
Retains its lemon-yellow color which contrasts with the purple
seed capsules in fall."
