cultivar is the result of a cross of an unidentified seedling x H. 'White Christmas' that was registered by
Wm and Eleanor Lachman of Massachusetts in 1987. The mound is a small size hosta about 10 inches high with a spread of 23
inches. Its leaves have a creamy white center with dark green
margins. Purple flowers bloom from late July into August
followed by viable seeds. According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "A well-grown specimen of 'Calypso' is truly a magnificent
sight! The sharp contrast between the white center and dark
green margin on long leaves that are folded lengthwise produces
a striking appearance."

The Book of Little Hostas by Kathy and Michael Shadrack
(2010) says: "Provides a good color contrast
in raised beds, woodland walks, and large
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states in its Hosta Hybrids for Connoisseurs chapter: "...it
will not thrive as a garden plant and the leaves
will probably scorch. Prized as a breeding plant,

In Greek mythology, Calypso was a freshwater nymph.