Hosta 'Brave Amherst'

This hosta with thin, gold marginal variegation was registered by  Wm and Eleanor Lachman of Massachusetts in 1993. It is a hybrid of H. 'Christmas Tree' Ă— H. 'Reversed' which forms a large size (23 inches high) mound of slightly corrugated, thick substanced foliage. The leaves are broadly ovate, slightly rippled and inversely cupped. Near white flowers with a purplish mid-petal stripe bloom on 24 inch tall scapes in July followed by viable seeds.

The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by Diana Grenfell (2009) states: "Very slow to establish...A great improvement on similar hostas since the margins to do not scorch...Has longer, somewhat smaller leaves than H. 'Aurora Borealis' or H. 'Frances Williams' and is a better performer than the latter."

A Photo Essay article by Steve Chamberlain in The Hostta Journal (2010 Vol. 41 No. 1) makes comments about H. 'Brave Amherst', "William and Eleanor Lachman registered this cross of 'Christmas Tree' and 'Reversed' in 1993.. In maturity, it makes a large clump with impressive blue leaves that show a golden yellow margin of variable width."



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