Timothy Savill of
registered this slow growing sport of H. 'Blue
Angel' in 2002 and it was also granted U.S. Patent 18,371 in
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), it as a "...large size mound of foliage
that is olive-green in the center in spring, becoming much
brighter gold during the growing season...near-white flowers from late June into July."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states in its Hosta Hybrids for Connoisseurs chapter: "Extremely
sensitive to light and heat...The plant may require
moving several times to different sites in the
garden to achieve the best results. It may in time
exceed its registered dimensions...Has smaller
leaves and a yellow central variegation, but is not
as robust as its parent."

United States Patent: PP18371
Abstract: A new and distinct Hosta plant named
‘Beckoning’ characterized by heat-shaped, large-sized,
leaves with blue-green margins, yellowish leaf centers,
tall vertical flower scapes with many near white flowers
held nicely above foliage, suitable for landscape,
potted culture, or cut flower arrangements.