What can you say about the Chelsea
Flower Show than, "Wow!" We visited in 2004 and
again in 2006 and both times it was a wonderful experience.
One of the most amazing thing is
that it is all set up for just a four
day run and then, in two days, it all disappears for another
year. All that is left is a paved parking lot. Unbelievable!
The site is divided into two main areas. The outdoor
displays range from extravagant to something practical for
the average backyard gardener. All constructed in the weeks
before the show and then gone in a day or two following the
The second main area is indoors. It used to be under a big
canvas tent but, like so many things now a days, it is now
sponsored by a corporation who provides a more substantial,
yet temporary, structure. This makes for more viewing space
since they need fewer posts than the canvas tend of old.
Inside is a magnificent display of all types of plants both
flowering and foliage. Each bloom or tomato or leaf is
perfect and was moved here from a greenhouse some distance
away. I can't even move a poinsettia from a local nursery to
my house without breaking some leaves yet they bring lupines
and roses and Jacks-in-the-Pulpit with no apparent damage.
In my humble opinion (IMHO for you techies),
I think a trip to the Chelsea Flower Show should be on the
"bucket" list of every serious gardener. However, if you go,
be sure to get there at starting time so you can see the
displays unobstructed. By 11:00 a.m. or so, the crowd swells
and makes photo taking a little more difficult.