This critter is the
larvae of a moth that builds a brown bag which is
attached to twigs of trees. During the summer, a dark
brown to black caterpillar can be found inside the bag
which it carries along as it feeds on leaves. Late in
August, the caterpillar pupates and in a few days the
adult moth emerges to lay eggs for next year's
Evergreens such as
arborvitae or cedars may be severely damaged or even
killed by an infestation of bagworms while deciduous
trees are rarely threatened.
The most obvious sign
is the presence of small brown bags on your plants.
Since these are true
caterpillars, the biological control called Bacillus
thuringiensis (Bt) is one option for control. Other
insecticides are also labeled for bagworms.
If there are just a few bags on plants at reachable
levels, just hand pick them and soak them in a pail of
soapy water or otherwise destroy them.
Note: We
have provided some general information and
observations on this topic aimed at the home
gardener. Before you take
any serious action in your landscape, check
with your state's land grant university's
Service for the most current,
appropriate, localized recommendations. |