The many types of the genus, Allium are easy to grow, and once established are left until they become overcrowded. They range in height from six inches to three feet. The smaller types may be used in rock gardens. They like fertile, well drained soil and prefer sun or partial shade. The flowers may be ball shaped or otherwise.

  • Allium gigantium - This allium multiplies rapidly and grows 4 or 5 feet tall. The plant may be used as a dried or cut flower.

  • Allium moly - Golden Garlic -  It grows 12 inches tall, bears yellow flowers in June and tolerates poor hot soil.

  • Allium tuberosum -  Produces white, fragrant flowers on 3 foot tall plants, in July and August.

Allium are planted in fall or early spring. The larger types are planted three to four inches deep with the smaller types two inches deep. They are divided and replanted as soon as the leaves have died down.

Bulb rot causes failure of flower shoot development. The shoot and bulb are covered with mold. Remove diseased plants but do not compost them.

Note: We have provided some general information and observations on this topic aimed at the home gardener. Before you take any serious action in your landscape, check with your state's land grant university's Cooperative Extension Service for the most current, appropriate, localized recommendations.

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