According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), this is a "...form of the species native to isolated
areas of Shikoku and Honshu Islands in
It was first described around 1950 by
Dr. Fumio Maekawa.
There appear to be both a large size (19 inches high by 40 inches wide) and a
small size (8 inches high by 32 inches wide) form to this variety of
kikutii. Leaves on the large type are elliptic with a wedge shaped base
while the small ones are lanceolate shaped. They both have shiny, medium green
foliage that arches and gives a drooping appearance. The lavender flowers are borne from mid-August into September on long drooping scapes.
Zilis continues, "...Formerly
considered to be a separate species (Hosta caput-avis)...an
excellent addition to any breeding program."

In an article about hybridizing by
Tony Avent in
Hosta Journal (1996 Vol. 27 No. 1), Tony gives the
following comments on cultivars he has introduced: "H. 'Red Neck Heaven' -
underrated, but awesome plant. This is a selection from seed from Japan of
H. kikutii caput-avis. The dark petioles and white backed leaves are
awesome...great form!"
