Registered by Randy Goodwin of Indiana in 2016, this
cultivar is a slow growing, upright sport of an unnamed splash
seedling of H. 'Warwick Choice'. It is a medium
size (16 inches high by 19 inches wide) with chartreuse
to dark green foliage and a creamy white medial (center)
The leaves are broadly ovate, moderately
cupped, corrugated, twisted and dull on top. Its
petioles and flower scapes are also white and green.
Bell shape flowers with translucent edges bloom from
June into July on scapes up to 26 inches tall followed
by pure white seed pods.
The registration materials state: "Tricolor leaves have
creamy centers surrounded with light chartreuse, then
dark green margins on a pointed blade."
Hosta Helper will call this plant
'White Sails' (Goodwin). |