According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), it was "...named as a species
Hosta undulata
Liberty Hyde Bailey in 1923...but reduced to cultivar status,
i.e., H. 'Undulata', by
The Genus Hosta by
W. George Schmid (1991)...registered by
The American Hosta Society in 2001 for
Liberty Hyde Bailey...sold under a wide variety of names,
including H. undulata variegata, 'Color Accent', H.
koreana 'Variegated'...H. 'Medio-variegata' = H. 'Undulata'...
...Long rows of 'Undulata' still can be found around homes and
in the parks of many U.S. cities. Its overuse and tendency to be
voraciously attacked by slugs, however, caused it to gain a bad
reputation...I maintain, though, that 'Undulata' is a beautiful
'Undulata' grows into
a medium size plant (14 inches high by 32 inches
wide) with dark green foliage that has a creamy
white medial (center) variegation. The leaves are
twisted with a spiral curl in the tip. It bears pale
purple, funnel shaped flowers in July. It rarely sets seeds.
From the
Field Guide to Hostas by Mark Zilis (2014), "The white center of 'Undulata' accounts for
two-thirds of the leaf versus only one-third for 'Undulata
Univittata'. 'Undulata is also much smaller and less
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Leaves can scorch if exposed to strong sunlight
when wet...lacks vigor and is slow to increase.
Flower habit is poor since only a few flowers open
consecutively and the scape begins to decline before
flowering is over. Needs regular division of the
clump to prevent the stronger, green marginal
portion of the leaf from taking over...The
variegated scape bracts can be almost the same size
as the leaves."
This cultivar of unidentified parentage from
Japan and has been a part of American gardens for many
decades. It has been awarded the Royal Horticultural Society's
Award of Garden Merit in the
UK. 'Undulata' may have been sold at some time as 'Mackwoods No.

An article about H. 'Undulata' and its origins by
Bob Solberg in
Hosta Journal (1996 Vol. 27 No. 1) states that, "H. 'Undulata'
is an interpsecific hybrid of
H. sieboldii x
H. montana collected from the wild
and cultivated near Nagasaki in Japan. The variegation is a typical type
produced by
H. sieboldii. Plant size, leaf size, leaf vein count, scape height,
flower color and bloom time are intermediate between
H. montana and
H. sieboldii.
Purple anthers are probably from H. montana and undulating leaf margins
H. sieboldii...While the data presented here strongly support these conclusions,
they do not provide absolute proof. DNA testing of these cultivars would prove
very interesting."
