This hybrid of H. 'Birchwood Parky's Gold' × H. 'Golden Tiara', this cultivar grows to 11
inches high by 24 inches wide. It was registered by
Frank Nyikos of Walnut Grove Nursery in Indiana in
1998. The cupped foliage is moderately corrugated and nearly
round. Pale lavender,
flowers bloom in July on scapes up to 22 inches tall.
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "A superb small hosta...Equally good in the front
of the border...Leaves have a fancied resemblance to a coffee spoon rather than
a teaspoon for which the plant is named."
The Book of Little Hostas by Kathy and Michael Shadrack
(2010) says: "Grows well in light shade. Ideal for the larger tray
or trough."