Hosta 'Piedmont Gold'

This slow growing, large size (25 inches high by 63 inches wide), gold leaf cultivar of H. 'Sieboldiana' was originated by David Stone of Connecticut and Frank Henry and Philip Payne of Piedmont Gardens which registered it in 1982. Its foliage is oblong ovate shaped, slightly rippled and slightly corrugated. The plant forms near white flowers from late June into July on nearly 3 feet long scapes. It sets viable seeds.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), this cultivar "...ranks as one of the premier large, gold leaved hosta cultivars...does not develop the spring desiccation burn that afflicts other golden H. 'Sieboldiana'-types."

The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by Diana Grenfell (2009) states: "The color assumes a paler yellow hue in autumn...A classic hosta, the parent of many sports, and used as both a pod and pollen parent in hybridizing...Leaves of juvenile plants are smooth, only becoming ribbed and seersuckered as the plant matures."

An article  by C.H. Falstad about the stability of colors in hosta leaves in The Hosta Journal (2006 Vol. 37 No. 1) says, "Examples of this backward mutations - which move the plant closer to its more natural state of all-green leaves - are the yellow-leaved 'Vanilla Cream'...sporting to 'Wylde Green Cream'...which has a dark green margin and yellow center, and to 'Ice Cream'...which has a green center and yellow margin...Some yellow-leaved varieties seem to be able to mutate to forms with subtle variegation. H. 'Lakeside Symphony'...which comes from 'Piedmont Gold' an example, as is the more recent green-margined 'Corn Belt'...which comes from 'Jimmy Crack Corn'."

5 19.4
1985 #15
1990 #18
1991 #20
1992 #20
1993 #24    



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