Briggs Nursery of Washington registered this
sport of H. 'Francee' in 1999. The
medium size mound grows to 16 inches in
height and 36 inches wide with leaves of thick substance. Its
lavender flowers bloom from late July into August.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "Several white-centered sports
have been introduced out of 'Francee',
Patriot' and
'Minuteman'. Though 'Fire and Ice' (out of 'Patriot') is the most well-known of this group, 'Pathfinder' stands out
as the best grower..."

An article by Warren I. Pollock in
Hosta Journal (2015 Vol. 46 No.2) states that, "During
the 50 or so years that 'Francee', a diploid...has been cultivated, some 75
sport descendents have been reported. About 20 are diploid and for the most part
of lesser interest...the tetraploid sports...have been of principal attention.
Examples are first generation H. 'Patriot' that sported...H. 'Loyalist' that
sported...H. 'Revolution that sported...H.
'Independence'...H. 'Minuteman' and H.
'Pathfinder'...sported several tetraploid second generations of commercial
