A hybrid of H. 'Gaijin' × an unidentified hosta, this miniature size (5 inches high by 12 inches
wide) cultivar was registered by
Randy Goodwin of Indiana in 2013. The dark green foliage has a greenish
yellow marginal variegation.
Its leaves are lightly cupped, slightly twisted, slightly wavy, broadly ovate and slightly shiny
on top. Pale lavender, tubular flowers that are translucent and
have lavender stripes bloom from June into July. It sets viable

An article by Warren I. Pollock in
Hosta Journal (2015 Vol. 46 No.1) states that, "In
2013, Randy Goodwin...registered H. 'Moolah'. A seedling of H. 'Gaijin' ×
unknown, it is little with leaves about 3˝ inches long by 2˝ inches wide and
mound size about 5 inches high by 12 inches across. The dark green foliage is
leathery, cupped and corrugated, with greenish yellow margin that brightens to
cream as the season progresses." The article goes on to say that this plant has
been mistakenly offered in the trade under the name H. 'Mulah'.
