Originated by Naylor Creek
Nursery of Washington
and registered on their behalf by
Gayle Hatley Alley for
The American Hosta Society in
2019. It
is a sport of H. 'Pathfinder'
is a dark green hosta with variable white medial
(center) variegation. The leaves are slightly shiny on
top, nearly round, slightly cupped and have thick
substance. Pale lavender flowers clustered around the
scape bloom in July on scapes 20 to 23 inches tall. It
sets seeds in deep blue-green pods but their viability
was unknown at the time of registration.
The registration
materials state: "...Fast growing clump of thick
leaves. Contrast between the center and dark-green
margins decreases as the center becomes more speckled
with green; provides interest all season...center
emerges yellow, changes to white, before developing
flecks of green that gain in size and number throughout
the season until the center is medium green."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Vigorous and a moderate increaser...As the summer
progresses the leaf center becomes darker and darker and
the green flecks become more obvious. This phenomenon is
most apparent in hot summers."
at the Oasis was a song by Maria Muldaur from 1973.