Mark Zilis of Illinois registered this
tissue culture sport of H. 'Paul Revere' in 2004. It forms a medium
size mound and bears lavender flowers starting in mid-July.

An article by Warren I. Pollock in
Hosta Journal (2008 Vol. 39 No. 2) states that, "H. 'Paul Revere'...also medio-variegated, is like 'Loyalist', or perhaps even
identical to it. Also found in tissue-culturing 'Patriot', 'Paul Revere' has
leaves with a dark green margin and wide white center. I'm now seeing all-green
leaves on a few old 'Paul Revere' clumps. Do hostas with these green tetraploid
leaves have a name?
Mark Zilis calls them H. 'Midnight Ride'..."
