Registered by
Hans Hansen of
Walters Gardens,
Inc. of Michigan
this medium size (14 inches high by 39 inches wide) cultivar is a seedling of
an unnamed streaked sport of H. 'Niagara Falls' ×
H. 'Viking Ship'. It has green foliage with a
white medial (center) variegation. The leaves are ovate
in shape, relatively flat, slightly rippled and dull on
top. White flowers with translucent interior stripes
bloom from mid-June into July on scapes 22 to 31 inches
tall followed by viable seeds. The
registration materials state: "...White centers are
surrounded by an irregular chartreuse color jetting out
from the petiole, accented by a medium green color,
before the final dark green margins. Add gentle
piecrust edges & long leaf tips to achieve a true "Love
Story." |