Gretchen Harshbarger of Iowa registered
this open-pollinated seedling of H. 'Tokudama
Aureonebulosa' in 1981. It forms a large size (19 inches high) plant
with thick substanced leaves and near white flowers borne from late June into July
followed by viable seeds.
According to
The Hostapedia by
Mark Zilis (2009), "The thick substance, attractive corrugation, and
bright gold foliage color make 'King Tut' one of the best
non-burning gold-leaved cultivars...sibling to 'Blondie' and 'Treasure'..."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Slow to establish...among the best of the golden
Tokudama Group as it forms a shapely mound. Also
notable for throwing good offspring...The flower scapes are tall
for a hosta of this ancestry."

A Photo Essay article by Steve Chamberlain in
Hostta Journal (2010 Vol. 41 No. 1) makes comments about
H. 'King Tut', "Gretchen Harshbarger registered this hybrid of 'Tokudama
Aureonebulosa' in 1981. It is a reliable yellow hosta with good substance and a
hint of green that gives the leaves an unusual appearance. It also has proven to
a useful pod parent in my hybridizing program."
