This large size (26 inches high) hosta
Japan was named
by Mark Zilis
of Illinois but registered by
Peter Ruh of Ohio in 1997. The
foliage is moderately wavy, smooth
textured and of thick substance. Large, pale lavender flowers form in
abundance on clusters in July.
This cultivar is part of the "Hirao
Series" of hostas.
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "The floppy, pinched leaf blade cascades downard as
does the dense raceme of flowers on a long scape.
An article about favorite flowering hostas by
C.H. Falstad in
Hosta Journal (2006 Vol. 37 No. 2) says, "Picking one
hosta flower is like settling for one flavor of Ice
Cream the rest of your
life...H. 'Venus' - how can you beat a huge, pure white, deliciously fragrant
flower...'Austin Dickinson': Wow! Large, fragrant, with dark purple stripe son
white background in the inside and purple and white perpendicular bands on the
outside, upright scapes with flowers held out at 90 degrees...'Hirao Majesty',
solid medium purple with deep purple anthers...Large flowers with pointed petals
(tepals)...Many people call 'Hirao Majesty' the bird-of-paradise of hostas, and
the unopened scape and bracts resemble that plant quite well."