Bob Kuk of Kuk's Forest in Ohio
registered this H. 'Wayside Blue' seedling in 1990. It forms a
medium size (10-14 inches high by 18 inches wide), dense mound of heart-shaped, slightly wavy leaves.
In July, it produces dense clusters of lavender flowers.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "In overall appearance, 'Golden Empress' resembles
such cultivars as 'Birchwood
Parky's Gold' and 'Gold Drop' rather than the golden 'Tokudama' type
one might expect. ('Wayside Blue' is a 'Tokudama' seedling.)"
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Site in sun in cooler climates, which is unusual
in a plant of H. 'Tokudama' ancestry. Site in dappled to full shade in hotter
climates. Increases rapidly."